About Dream House
Chris Ebbeson, ASHI Certified Inspector
Chris Ebbeson started Dream House Inspections in 2007, after being trained and certified by the American Home Inspectors Training Institute. He became an ASHI Certified Inspector, the highest level of certification offered by the American Society of Home Inspectors. He’s also licensed by the State of Ohio as a Home Inspector and Lead Risk Assessor.
Dream House Inspections proudly offers general home inspections on many types of homes throughout Greater Cleveland and Northeast Ohio, including single-family, multi-family, new construction, century homes, condominiums, and more. Whether you’re buying or selling a home, or you’re a Realtor or real estate investor, we’ll give you the information you need to make what may be the most important decision of your life. If you’re a first-time homebuyer, we’ll take extra time to educate you on how to operate the components of your house, and how to maintain it to save money later.
Dream House Inspections also offers lead-based paint testing. Lead-based paint is one of the leading causes of health issues in young children. If you’re buying, living in, or renting out a home built before 1978, Click Here to learn how to make your home lead-safe and in compliance with local lead laws.